If you are having a crisis, please call 801-587-3000 immediately.

Si tiene una crisis mental, llame al 801-935-4447 de inmediato. 

Student Prevention Programs

learning creates a health community

For more information on any of the following programs or to schedule a training, please email Pamella Bello at pbello@summitcounty.org.

Life Skills

Life Skills is an evidence-based prevention program designed to prevent adolescent tobacco, alcohol, marijuana use and violence. Three major program components teach students:

  • Personal Self-Management Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Information and Resistance Skills specifically related to drug use

For who:  Elementary Students

How long:  12 weeks

Prime For Life

An after school evidence-based prevention program that helps students learn the risks of alcohol and drug related problems throughout their life. This is offered for those who violate school school drug and alcohol policies or those recommended by school personnel.

For who: Students of all ages, with a parent component

How long: 4 lessons, 2 hours each

Bullying Prevention

One comprehensive class that provides all the tools to eliminate bullying in schools. This program sheds light on why some kids are bullied, how students can stand up for themselves and for their friends, and more. All components are designed to encourage students to practice assertiveness skills and promote a zero-tolerance

For who: Elementary & Junior High Students

Alcohol Prevention Skills

Helps kids make healthy decisions when it comes to information about the harmful effects of alcohol on
developing teen brain, along with proven skills for preventing underage alcohol use.

For who: Junior High and High School Students

Prescription Drug Prevention

Abuse training gives adolescents the skills and knowledge necessary to help them avoid the misuse and abuse of opioids and prescription drugs.

For who: Junior High and High School Students

How long: 12 weeks

Refusal Skills

Helps children avoid participating in high-risk behaviors. The class is designed to help students resist peer pressure while maintaining self-respect. Students who are taught Refusal Skills are less likely
to make high risk choices.

For who: Junior High and High School Students

State Crisis Line:


Línea de crisis en español:


Huntsman Mental Health Institute Park City


Contact the Behavioral Health Team