summit county health

Drinking Water Safety

The Health Department Drinking Water Safety Program protects public health by helping to ensure Summit County has safe drinking water. The program protects public health by helping prevent water-related illness. We work with individual well owners and owners of community water systems, and offer these services:

  • Providing water testing facilities for individual and public water systems.
  • Providing information and answering questions about safe drinking water.
  • Investigating suspected water-related illnesses.
  • Making sure building projects have safe drinking water before building permits are issued.
  • Helping to ensure that new public water system wells are located away from potential contamination sources.
  • Reviewing plans and monitoring water quality for small public water systems. (The State of Utah reviews and monitors large systems.)
  • Maintaining drinking water records with information about large and small public water systems, including water test results.
  • Assisting the Utah Division of Drinking Water with drinking water programs. 

Water Testing

Summit County has an in-house laboratory facility to test for bacteria in drinking water. We provide this service for individuals and community water systems. Individuals may test their water if they have a private well, or if they want to check water that comes from a community system. Community systems are required to test their water on a regular basis, and the lab reports these results to the State Department of Environmental Quality. Water testing and proof of potable water availability are frequently required for building permits.

The Health Department offers drinking water safety tests starting at $27 per test. Please call 435-336-3234 for more information. Please complete the form below as part of the Water Sampling Procedure.  as 

Water Systems

Public water systems are regulated by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. The State Drinking Water Division provides information to water system owners and managers on how to achieve compliance with state water quality and wellhead protection requirements. Summit County approves and monitors smaller water systems, while the State of Utah approves and monitors larger systems.

Water Resources

Summit County’s Environmental Health Division also monitors the quality of surface water found in our county’s rivers, streams and lakes. We manage watershed planning and planning issues related to ground water and water quality.

summit county health

Onsite Wastewater

Wastewater Program Information

Summit County’s Wastewater (septic) Program protects public health by making sure that wastewater systems work properly. It is important that sewage does not leak onto the ground or into groundwater sources. We make sure that wastewater systems are designed, installed, and maintained in ways that meet State and local standards.

Site Evaluations and Permitting Process

The largest part of our onsite program deals with the wastewater permit process. This includes evaluating the soils at a site, reviewing and approving permit applications, and checking the installation of systems.

summit county health

Water Concurrency

An ordinance providing for the establishment of requirements for a Commitment of Service letter within Summit County based on the ability of water systems to deliver safe and reliable water and promote the conservation and wise use of all Summit County water resources. More information can be found here.

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Swimming Pools & Spas

All public pools and spas in Summit County are sampled and tested by Environmental Health. Our Environmental Health scientists inspect public pools on an annual basis, or when a complaint is received. Pool operators are responsible for taking samples on a monthly basis while pools are open. Seasonal pools are not required to be sampled when they are closed. Public pools are pools that charge admission (city, county, or school-operated) or are offered for public use, such as pools operated by hotels, motels, and apartment or condo complexes.

summit county health

Boil Orders


Boil Order: A boil order is issued at the time of confirmed E.coli contamination in the distribution system.


The boil notices are issued by the local water companies based on their data and the request of Division of Drinking Water and the Local Health Department.


Boil Order: A boil order may be lifted after two satisfactory total coliform sampling events have been completed 24 hours apart to confirm that coliform is not present. For disinfecting systems this includes after chlorine residual levels have returned to baseline levels. In situations where the system does not regularly add chlorine then the notice is lifted based off of two rounds of samples and chlorine residuals are back to zero (normal operating level), and DDW/LHD requires a follow-up coliform sample after normal operating conditions.

What to do if you receive a Boil Water Order Notification


Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, beverage and food preparation, and making ice until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.  Boiling is the preferred method to assure that the tap water is safe to drink.  Bring all tap water to a rolling boil, let it boil for three (3) minutes, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water.

What can I do with my tap water?

  • Drinking – NO
  • Ice Cubes – NO, and existing ice cubes should be thrown out. See below for information on ice machines.
  • Brushing Teeth – NO
  • Baby’s Formula – NO
  • Washing Fruit/Vegetables – NO
  • Preparing Food – NO
  • Coffee, Tea, Lemonade, etc. – NO. See below for information on soda dispensers and coffee makers.
  • Laundry – Yes
  • Watering Grass or Garden – Yes, but fruits/vegetables must be washed using boiled or bottled water before consumption.
  • Washing Hands – See below.
  • Showers or Baths – See below.
  • Washing Dishes – See below.

During a boil order, can I wash my hands using tap water?

It is recommended that you wash your hands using soap and either bottled water or boiled water. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer may also be used.

During a boil order, can my family take showers or baths using tap water?

The risk of bathing in tap water is uncertain and so should be avoided particularly by people with open wounds or who are immuno-compromised. For those people who choose to shower or bathe in the tap water, minimize the time spent in the water and be sure to keep your eyes and mouth closed. Babies and young children should not bathe or shower in tap water because they often swallow some water accidentally.

During a boil order, can I wash dishes using tap water?

You may use a dishwasher if it has a sanitizing cycle. If it does not have a sanitizing cycle, or you are not sure if it does, you may hand wash dishes and utensils by following these steps:

  • Wash the dishes as you normally would.
  • As a final step, immerse the dishes for at least one minute in lukewarm water to which a teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water has been added.
  • Allow the dishes to completely air dry.

Common Questions and Answers

  1. Is it safe to use my washer/dryer? Yes.
  2. Can I give the tap water to my pets? Humans and pets are considered to be equal during a boil notice. Always contact your veterinarian with specific concerns.
  3. Can I brush my teeth with the water? No.
  4. Can I shower with the water? Yes, but with the awareness to avoid ingestion. Those people with compromised immune systems, open wounds and lesions should avoid showering with the water.
  5. Can I wash my hands with the water? No.
  6. Can I prepare food with the water? No.
  7. Is it safe to use my dishwasher? No. All dishes should be rinsed with a sanitizing (chlorine) solution and then air dried. If your washer has a sanitizing cycle then verify with the manufacturer’s instructions. Follow instructions for using other disinfectants.
  8. For how long do I boil the water? We recommend a rolling boil for 3 minutes.
  9. Is it safe to boil the water and then store it? How should I store it? Yes, refrigerate it after boiling. Storing at room temperature would depend on the condition of the storage vessel. Most containers would not be sterile and other bacteria could grow if it was stored for a long period of time.
  10. How do I know if I live in the area affected by the notice? You will receive a call from the Summit County Sheriff’s Office Code Red system or will have a notice posted on your property.

What to do AFTER a Boil Water Order has been lifted.

You will be notified when the water is safe to use. Residents are advised to “flush” their water following the lifting of the boil order to clear plumbing of potentially contaminated water. Flushing your household and building water lines includes interior and exterior faucets, showers, water and ice dispensers, water treatment units, and so on.

Please visit the provided video link for guidance or follow the suggested flushing steps provided below. Video Link:

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Flush faucets: 5 minutes with cold water. For a residence with multiple levels, start at the top of the house.
  • Flush showers: 5 minutes of a mix of hot and cold water.
  • Toilets: none required.
  • Washing Machines: none required.
  • Dish Washers: if your machine has a sanitize cycle please run 1cycle.
  • Outdoor Spigots; 5 minutes, disconnect hose first.
  • Refrigerator Water Dispenser: flush for 5 minutes or at least 1 quart of water.
  • Faucet/Fridge Water Filters: consider replacing filter per manufacturer recommendation.
  • In-Line Water Filter: consider replacing filter per manufacturer recommendation.
  • Ice Makers: dump all existing ice and discard new ice made over an additional 24 hour period to assure complete purging of the water supply line. Wash and sanitize ice bin.
  • Food and Baby Formula: be sure you have discarded any baby formula or other foods prepared with water on the days of the boil order. (If unsure of the dates contact your water department.)
  • Water Heaters: run hot water from all faucets until water runs cold. Second option is to drain the water heater using spigot/release on the bottom of heater.
  • Water Softeners: cycle water softener per manufacturer recommendation.
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems: cycle through and consider replacing filters per manufacturer recommendation.
  • Soft Drink Dispensers: disconnect flavoring and cycle water through until replaced with fresh water, reconnect flavoring.

Due to the flushing of the water lines by residents and the flushing of the hydrants, some customers may experience a lack of water pressure and/or discolored water. However, this is an expected result and does not pose a health risk. Contact your local Water Department if you have any questions.

summit county health

Perc Testing

Environmental Health Revises Perc Test Scheduling

Beginning in 2019, the Summit County Health Department will no longer conduct Perc Tests between November 27 and March 1 of each year. Upon review of the testing program, the Environmental Health Division found that many tests requested during the winter months were often delayed or rendered ineffective by unpredictable weather. Property access in remote or under-developed areas of the county was also found to be unsafe and/or impassable due to snow levels, ice, rain, and mud.  Additional variables also impacted test results and availability:

  • Snow cover prevents us from seeing important surface features such as;
    • Vegetation: which gives us an indication of potential high groundwater areas
    • Surface water: or areas of potential surface water
    • Rock outcroppings: which indicate the possibility of bedrock
  • Cold Temperatures affect percolation rates and soil analysis
    • Ice does not percolate
    • Water does not penetrate frozen ground
    • Classifying soils is more difficult with cold/frozen soils
  • Excess moisture from snowmelt and thaw affects perc rates
    • Melting snow filters into percolation holes affecting the perc rate
    • Soils saturated by runoff water will affect percolation rates
  • Equipment access
    • Many HOA and developments have rules prohibiting equipment access during winter months because it damages their roads


For more information, and to schedule Perc Tests for the spring, please contact our Environmental Health Division, Summit County Health Department.

Contact Us

Environmental Health Division, Summit County Health Department

650 Round Valley Drive, Park City, Utah 84060

Phone: 435-333-1500, Fax: 435-333-1580

summit county health
If you have questions about Summit County water programs and services, please contact us today.
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