The Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) department aims to strengthen the capacity and capability of the Summit County Health Department, our partners and community, to effectively respond to a range of public health threats, including infectious diseases, natural disasters, and biological, chemical, nuclear, and radiological events.
Our goal is to enhance readiness to save lives during emergencies that exceed the day-to-day capacity of public health response agencies. To accomplish this goal, PHEP works closely with our Federal, State, regional, and local health ahengies and response partners to ensure coordinated and effective emergency planning, training, and exercises.
In addition, the PHEP program actively engages community members and partner organizations to help build and leverage their preparedness capabilities and to ensure our communities can access necessary services and support during an incident. One of the cornerstones of the PHEP program is our volunteer-driven Medical Reserve Corps which helps provide critical disaster and prevention related medical support to our community.
The Summit County Health Department/PHEP is the primary agency assigned to respond to public health emergencies and provide technical expertise for the following Emergency Support Functions (ESFs).
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of more than 300,000 volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. MRC volunteers step up to keep their family, friends, and neighbors safe and healthy.
Each MRC unit is created and trained to reflect the unique needs of their community. MRC volunteers are called upon during large-scale disasters, county-wide emergencies, and public health events that benefit the community.
If you would like to learn more about the MRC, click this link:
Summit County Health welcomes all volunteers to the Medical Reserve Corps! We are always looking for volunteers with medical experience, such as physicians and nurses (practicing or not), as well as non-medical personnel, as we need many people to support our public health missions.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, over 500 community members came our to support our Summit County response efforts. Our amazing MRC volunteers worked in vaccination and testing clinics, delivered PPE and supplies to community members in need, and assistied with community outreach. Summit County’s COVID-19 response efforts were recognized by the State of Utah, thanks to our MRC volunteers.
As a member of the MRC, you will benefit from free trainig in health and emergency preparedness, disaster response, Red Cross Shelter Management, as well as a chance to support and engage with your community. Come join us!
People who are resilient and ready to care for their neighbors can have positive and even life-saving impacts on their communities at large. Response training and exercises, donations, and volunteerism are just a few of the many ways that you can help yourself and others prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency.
The Summit County Health Department relies on community members and partner organizations to help prepare ourselves, our families, and nieghborhoods for disasters and other emergency events.
Working throughout Summit County, and into neighboring jurisdictions, the PHEP program actively encourages and supports community organizations, neighborhoods, and individiuals to learn, prepare, plan, and coordinate for emergencies through training, exercises, as well as participation in the Medical Reserve Corps.
Coming Soon: Public Health Emergency Preparedness events and activities that are coming up.
The following resources provide helpful links, information, and tools to help plan for public health emergencies and disasters.
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County health news and updates.
650 Round Valley Drive
Park City, UT 84060
85 North 50 East
Coalville, UT 84017
110 N Main
Kamas, UT 84036