To obtain your septic location information, please contact to request these documents. If Summit County does not have the information on file, we will send you a referral list of septic professionals you can call to assist you in locating your system.
Signs that your septic system may be failing:
Like most components of your home, septic systems require routine maintenance. If maintained, the septic system should provide reliable service for many years. If the septic system isn’t maintained, owners run the risk of dangerous and costly failures. And septic systems do have an operational lifetime and will eventually need to be replaced.
A failed or malfunctioning septic system is a risk to human and animal health and can pollute the environment. A responsible septic owner is alert to the signs of failure, regardless of the age of the system, and responds quickly when any are discovered. A quick response may save the owner money in repairs and may prevent illness and negative impact on the environment.
Please contact the Health Department if you suspect your septic system has failed. We will guide you in the proper steps to resolve your failing system.
Please contact our office at 435-336-3224 or
Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest Summit
County health news and updates.
650 Round Valley Drive
Park City, UT 84060
85 North 50 East
Coalville, UT 84017
110 N Main
Kamas, UT 84036