December 2024 Summit County Health newsletter

  • A Message from the Health Director
  • Toy Safety
  • Coalville Recycling Collection
  • Adult and Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines Available
  • Winter and Holiday Wellness Tips
  • Senior Connections
  • Holiday Food Safety

As 2024 comes to a close, we look back with gratitude on the memories that have brought us closer together. It is also a time to celebrate all of the good in our lives. As a health department and a community, I couldn’t be more proud of all we’ve accomplished, together, in the past year. Looking ahead, I am filled with excitement for the opportunities, adventures, and connections that the new year will bring. May this holiday season bring you warmth, joy, and cherished moments with loved ones. Please take a moment to catch your breath, slow things down, and enjoy everything this special time of year has to offer. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

– Dr. Phil Bondurant, Summit County Health Officer

Toy Safety

Toy Safety Awareness Month is all about keeping little ones safe at play! With the ‎holiday ‎season in full ‎swing, it’s ‎the perfect ‎time to learn ‎the ‎importance ‎of following ‎age labels ‎on toys, ‎keeping ‎small parts ‎away from ‎infants and ‎toddlers, and ‎shopping ‎smart to ‎avoid unsafe ‎counterfeit ‎toys. Check out all ‎this and ‎more at ‎ ‎

Coalville Recycling Collection

Do you live in the Coalville area? Bring your leftover cardboard, plastics, batteries, and e-waste to the Ledges Building parking lot on January 4th between 10am – 2pm to have these items recycled! Recycle Utah is hosting a free recycling collection event for your post-holiday recycling needs.

Adult and Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines Available
The holiday season is here and now is the ideal time to protect yourself and your loved ones by getting vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19. Whether you’re traveling or gathering with family, getting vaccinated now will provide you with full protection just in time to enjoy the holidays safely.

Summit County Health has both Flu and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines available for adults and children. To schedule your appointment with us, simply call 435-333-1500. Our clinic hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 6 PM.

Winter and Holiday Wellness Tips

The winter and holiday season can be a wonderful time, but it’s important to care for your health amidst the festivities. Stay active with activities like neighborhood walks, ice skating, or indoor workouts to maintain energy and mood. Balance holiday meals with nutrient-dense choices like vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Remember to stay hydrated—dry winter air can be dehydrating. Manage stress with self-care activities like journaling, reading, or meditating. Finally, bundle up and enjoy outdoor sunlight to boost vitamin D and keep your spirits bright.  

Senior Connections

Many adults 65 and over report feeling lonely, and those numbers may be amplified during the holidays. These feelings can cause irritability, fatigue, and sadness. So, connect with an older adult today!

Ideas for connection:

  • Do a puzzle
  • Send a card or a letter
  • Deliver treats
  • Call/text/video call
  • Do a craft or some art
  • Decorate together
  • Cook together
  • Share stories
  • Go for a drive to see the lights
  • Sit and listen

Send some holiday cheer to a senior citizen in Summit County! Visit a local library branch, put a message in one of the cards, and put it in the box. We will make sure it gets a senior citizen this Holiday Season! Card stations will be up until December 20.
Thank you to our partners at Summit County Library, Park City Library, Meals on Wheels, Kamas Lions Club, and Coalville Lions Clubs. Shout out to the South Summit Middle School students for their creativity and beautiful artwork on the cards!

Holiday Food Safety

As the winter holidays bring family gatherings and food preparations, Summit County Health reminds locals to take extra precaution when preparing and serving food this season. Remembering four simple steps will help ensure your holidays are magical instead of miserable: Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.

  • Stay Clean, wash hands, sanitize food preparation surfaces often. Illness-causing germs can survive in many places around your kitchen, including your hands, utensils, and cutting boards.
  • Separate foods, don’t cross-contaminate. Even after you’ve cleaned thoroughly, raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs can still spread illness-causing germs to ready-to-eat foods.
  • Cook thoroughly, thaw or marinate foods in the refrigerator—never on the counter or in the kitchen sink. The only way to tell if your turkey is “done” is by checking it with a food thermometer! Color, texture, and pop-up buttons are not accurate.
  • Chill, keep cold food cold (at 40° F or below) while serving, and refrigerate promptly after eating; illness-causing germs can grow quickly in many foods at room temperature. When it’s time to reheat, microwave leftovers to 165° F, or until food is steamy.

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